Outlook email users get the major redesign they were waiting for and here's how to get it

OUTLOOK email users have received a brand new redesign that also introduces a ton of new features to make navigating the application easier than ever.

Outlook update

Microsoft insisted the new version of Outlook brings added simplicity (Image: Microsoft)

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Outlook was shown touting a brand new look back in September last year by Microsoft that promised to radically overhaul the app.

But now users are able to access to the highly-anticipated upgrade with the click of switch.

In a blog post detailing the new change, Microsoft insisted the new version of Outlook brings added simplicity.

The tech giant insisted for fans to take advantage of the new change they should press the "try the new Outlook" toggle that should appear in the top right-hand corner for users.

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Once the switch has been turned on the software will reboot, after which it will look very different.

The new Outlook takes a more bold approach, clearly highlighting different contacts, photos and more intuitive functions such as the search bar.

In fact, Microsoft also declared the search bar is now more intelligent than ever.

The tool will suggest search terms based on email threads in an attempt to predict what the user wants to find.

A new files tab has been added that clearly lists every document that has been sent or received, meaning users will no longer have to sift through emails in an attempt to find them.

Suggested replies have also been added to Outlook and Microsoft is emphasising its "intelligent technology" will ensure they are relevant depending on the context.

The redesign also allows for greater levels of user customisation than ever before.

Pressing the cog at the top right-hand side of the screen grands access to "quick settings".

From here users can quickly change the theme of their mailbox.

It is also here the highly-anticipated "dark mode" can be activated.

This will make the app much easier on the eyes with the vast majority of the software appearing in a black colour.

On the web version of Outlook the signature blue colour will remain at the top, showcasing the search bar.

Outlook update

The new Outlook takes a more bold approach than before (Image: Microsoft)

Contacts will also retain their pictures, no matter how colourful they are.

Microsoft has declared the update will be available to "targeted release" customers, however it did not give further details on the extent of the rollout.

Express.co.uk was able to access the "try the new Outlook" feature.

Outlook update

Microsoft has declared the update will be available to 'targeted release' customers (Image: Microsoft)

It is also worth noting this is not the final build of the redesigned Outlook, that will be coming later.

If users want to revert back to the old style of the email client they can do so by pressing the "Outlook beta" toggle at the top right-hand corner of the app.

Microsoft has promised "additional enhancements" for the app will arrive "over the next few months", meaning Outlook fans will have even more features to look forward to.