Chapter 12 Chapter Review Activities Continued Answers

All the solutions provided inMcGraw Hill My Math Grade 3 Answer Key PDF Chapter 12 Review will give you a clear idea of the concepts.

McGraw-Hill My Math Grade 3 Chapter 12 Review Answer Key


Vocabulary Check

Use the word bank below to complete the crossword puzzle.
bar graph
line plot
tally chart

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3. to explain what a graph shows
4. to collect data by asking people the same question
6. a graph that uses bars of different lengths or heights
7. to study data on a graph

1. a scaled picture graph
2. tells "how many" each symbol represents
4. a set of numbers that represents the data
5. collected information

Concept Check

For Exercises 8-13, refer to the table that shows the instrument each student plays.
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Question 8.
Record the data in the tally chart.
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Question 9.
Display the set of data from above in the pictograph below.
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Question 10.
Display the set of data from the pictograph in the bar graph below.
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Question 11.
How many students are not playing either a brass or a string instrument?
Number of students playing woodwings are 5.
Number of students playing percussion are 7.
Therefore, the number of students not playing either a brass or a string instrument will be the sum of students playing woodwings and percussion, 5+7=12

Question 12.
Hunter is sick today. Miss Miller will practice with half of the students today. How many students will practice with Miss Miller today?
Total number of students will be 7+5+4+5=21.If Hunter is sick today, then the total will be 21-1=20 students.
As mentioned above, Miss Miller will practice with half of the students today.
Therefore,the number of students she will practice with will be 20÷2=10 students.

Question 13.
Which two instruments do an equal number of students play?
From the above data, we can say that the equal number of students play woodwings and strings equally.

Problem Solving

Question 14.
Matthew measured the length of some bugs. He displayed the data in the line plot. Find 5 of Matthew's errors.
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Explain Matthew's errors.
According to the line plot,number of bugs of length \(\frac{2}{4}\) inches is 1.
Number of bugs of \(\frac{3}{4}\) inches length is 4.
Number of bugs of \(\frac{4}{4}\) inches length is 3.
Number of bugs of 1\(\frac{1}{4}\) inches length is 5.
Number of bugs of 1\(\frac{2}{4}\) inches length is 1.
From the above observations, Matthew's errors are the number of bugs of length \(\frac{1}{4}\), \(\frac{3}{4}\) and \(\frac{4}{4}\) and also the two labels.
He needs to add one 'x' on \(\frac{1}{4}\)inch, \(\frac{3}{4}\) and \(\frac{4}{4}\).He also needs to change the lables of \(\frac{1}{4}\) inches and \(\frac{2}{4}\) to 1\(\frac{1}{4}\) inches and 1\(\frac{2}{4}\) inches respectively.

Question 15.
Refer to Exercise 14. If the bugs that are \(\frac{4}{4}\) inches in length were laid end to end, what would be their total length?
Number of bugs of \(\frac{4}{4}\) inches length is 3.
If 3 bugs of length \(\frac{4}{4}\) inches or 1 inches were laid end to end, then the total length will be 1+1+1=3 inches

Question 16.
There are three elementary schools on Brown Street:
PS Elementary (PSE), PS Middle (PSM), and PS High (PSH).

  • PSE is 1 mile from PSM.
  • PSH and PSE are 2 miles apart.
  • PSH is 3 miles from PSM.
  • Use the facts above. What is the order of the schools on the street?

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From the above figure, we can say that the order of schools will be PSM, PSE and PSH.

Test Practice

Question 17.
According to the line plot, how many pets do most students have?
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(A) 1 pet
(B) 2 pets
(C) 3 pets
(D) 4 pets
Number of students having 0 pets are 5.
Number of students having 1 pets are 8.
Number of students having 2 pets are 6.
Number of students having 3 pets are 2.
Number of students having 4 pets are 1.
Most of the students have 1 pet, 8 students are having 1 pet.


Use what you learned about data to complete the graphic organizer.
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Now reflect on the ESSENTIAL QUESTION Write your answer below.
1. Is it reasonable to say that the number of red marbles is twice that of yellow?
Based on the data presented above, the number of red marbles equals 9, the number of yellow marbles equals 5, and twice the yellow colour equals 2×5=10. As 9 is nearest number to 10, the statement that the number of red marbles is double that of yellow marbles is reasonable.


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